
Friday Jan 27, 2017
Marianne spills the beans....errr...wine!
Friday Jan 27, 2017
Friday Jan 27, 2017
This week the lovely and talented Marianne Sierk makes a return visit to the studio. Marianne is hilarious in this episode, which makes sense because she is a frickin' professional comedian!! Since her last visit, a lot has changed in her life. She is a mom, she is unemployed...but she still likes a little white wine in her life! Also, all the joking about spilling beer on our board came back to haunt us, as we had a little incident pre-show with some chardonnay (full disclosure it WASN'T Marianne), so excuse some rough spots in the audio. Well worth it for all the fun, fun, fun!!

Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
LEt's Go Out with A BANG!
Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
For (most likely) our final podcast of 2016 we discuss our acting careers, our new fitness regiments, and a bunch of other funny stuff I can't remember right now because I had too many IPA's. Merry Christmas America, see you in 2017!

Monday Nov 21, 2016
Monday Nov 21, 2016
Monday Nov 21, 2016
This week Pete shares his greatest gift, his gift of song. Nick tries to help support, but it is just never enough! Politics, anxiety, fear of the media and some poop talk all color this weeks episode. It's 2 hours of fun that you will be Thankful for! Enjoy!

Thursday Oct 20, 2016
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
This episode is great. It's the greatest podcast ever. Join us as we discuss our nomination for "Best Local Podcast', and probably ensure we will never be accepted in the podcast community.

Monday Sep 19, 2016
Summer is Gone...and we are BACK!
Monday Sep 19, 2016
Monday Sep 19, 2016
After a long layoff, Nick and Pete are back in the basement. This week they discuss a wide range of topics, including the recent Comedy Central Roast, Pete's new healthcare regiment, and make inappropriate suggestions for Prison Themed beer names. Enjoy! (Host Note: I couldn't think of the name of someone whom I was paraphrasing during my discussion on functional medicine. His name is Chris Kresser. He's wicked smart. Check out his excellent podcast with Joe Rogan on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast.-Pete)

Wednesday Jul 27, 2016
Seasoned Professionals
Wednesday Jul 27, 2016
Wednesday Jul 27, 2016
Nick and Pete are back in the basement studios--fresh off their triumphant debut on the commercial airwaves of Rochester radio. They discuss Pokemon, summer movies, do a little live broadcasting, and then Nick crushes Pete's Olympic dreams by informing him that the USMNT will not be playing in the Games. It's strange they didn't get a call back to host that Sports talk show..huh?!?

Thursday Jun 09, 2016
No Second Hand News
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
WHAMMY!! This week Thad Brown, newly appointed Sports Director for WROC Channel 8 news, joins in the basement shenanigans. Thad gives us insight into the busy, crazy world that is television sports journalism. Nick shares an awesome Muhammad Ali memory, and Pete...well, Pete drinks too many beers and makes inappropriate comments. All in all, pretty typical episode. Enjoy--and please check us out on Facebook where we promise to share more stuff, Facebook.com/4confessionsonafridaypodcast.

Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
This week, after a long layofff, Pete and Nick are back at it! This episode they discuss a dark secret held by Nick's college alma mater. There is a large mammal and inappropriate intimate contact involved. We also bring back the "sniglet" as we look for a word to describe "that black out period that exists when you binge on Netflix (and maybe have a few drinks) and large portions of whole episodes are lost in the fog". Give us the next two hours of your life, you'll be slightly satisfied.

Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Nick Hates Country and We finally go too far with poop
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
Saturday Mar 12, 2016
This week we start out with Nick revealing he hates country music, unless the musicians are good to look at and then he supports all music types. Also, we probably go too far discussion poop but Nick just can't get enough! We also find out how to game the higher education system, and some other stuff happens that is hilarious, but it's hard to remember after all that IPA!!! ENJOY!!

Saturday Feb 13, 2016
Interviewer with the Interviewer
Saturday Feb 13, 2016
Saturday Feb 13, 2016
This week we welcome the incomparable Will Cleveland into The Basement Bedroom Studios. Will is a reporter for the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle who covers crime and beer. Sometimes together, but mostly as separate entities. I just wrote tities. Anyway, join us on this 2 hour journey to find out what makes this man tick, and how the local beer scene is a lot like the Westminster's Dog show...???