
Saturday Feb 06, 2016
The One I Can't Remember
Saturday Feb 06, 2016
Saturday Feb 06, 2016
Nick shares his secret nerdy new hobby, and we talk a little more about David Bowie and art in general. I think we get drunk on this one because I can't remember anything else about this episode. I know its completely awesome though.

Sunday Jan 17, 2016
Another "Classic" Interview
Sunday Jan 17, 2016
Sunday Jan 17, 2016
This week Nick and Pete are joined in the Basement Bedroom Studio by Dr. Nicholas Gresens, classics professor and all-around badass. They try to keep up, but the intellect is too much and things degrade into poop jokes and odd observations about "The Odyssey". They do manage to talk about the recent loss of musical icon David Bowie and Pete updates everyone on how his club, Burnley, is doing in its Champions League struggle to make it back to Premier League. What are you doing that's so important you can't give us two hours of your time??

Saturday Jan 02, 2016
End of Another Year
Saturday Jan 02, 2016
Saturday Jan 02, 2016
This week we discuss life, death, and Star Wars spoilers. We also discuss a Facebook friend's post on getting complimented for being talented, and how much it annoys him. The end of the year finds us both feeling nostalgic, and Pete has a couple of people he knows that have passed away recently that gives him some perspective right at the right time. 2015 flew by...but start off your 2016 right with 4 Confessions on A Friday: End of the Year Episode!

Wednesday Dec 23, 2015
Wednesday Dec 23, 2015
Wednesday Dec 23, 2015
This episode was up..then down..NOW IT'S UP AGAIN. Pete's cautious nature forced us to take this episode down during a time he was transitioning to a new professional gig. Needless to say this is NSFW..but funny as hell. Re-visit for the first time as we speak with funny-man John VanBrunt about his exploits as a stand up-comedian. Also, listen carefully to why Pete pulled this episode down in the first place. Listen in all it's unedited glory...It's a Festivus miraclel!!!

Tuesday Dec 08, 2015
Tuesday Dec 08, 2015
Tuesday Dec 08, 2015
Nick is not a fan of the oft (over) used phrase " Im just tellin' it Like it is!!". Pete discussed his plans to get a family pet and to take up a new raquette sport hobby. We once again wait until the VERY end of the podcast to ask you to like our Facebook page (please do so now...), and Nick uncovers Pete's most private anti-social feelings. We listen to a boot-leg copy of the "Singing of the songs" at the Valentino Thanksgiving dinner, and we probably offend people by talking about America's affinity for poop jokes vs. the U.K.'s tendency towards piss. ENJOY!!

Wednesday Nov 25, 2015
Not a Thanksgiving Episode
Wednesday Nov 25, 2015
Wednesday Nov 25, 2015
Go ahead and listen, we recommend downloading while you wait in line at a Wal-Mart to get a great deal on a flat-screen TV on Black Friday. The ugliness that surrounds you will make us seem smart, funny and handsome. Happy Thanksgiving "Merica!

Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
ALF (Awesome Life Form) Drums up Some Comedy Gold!
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
This week we do something your mother wanted you never to do...hang out in the basement with a drummer. The wildly talented and even wildlier (?) inappropriate Mr. Alf Encina stops by the basement for a couple of beers and some inappropriate commentary. The drummer for Rochester's coolest band, Tegan and the Tweeds, brings out the best (worst..?) in Pete and Nick, and once again Nick experiences "the worst day of (his) life". Give up the next 2 hours and 11 minutes of your life...you'll thanks us at the end. Seriously...thank us. Really. Like, log on to the Face book and like our page for Alf's Sake!!

Friday Oct 09, 2015
Folk Confession
Friday Oct 09, 2015
Friday Oct 09, 2015
This week Nick and Pete give a blow-by-blow description of their recent half-marathon, Pete confesses to loving folk music, Nick opens up about his recent Bob Dylan discoveries...and they drink beer and talk with intelligence and humor on various topics of great import for about 2 hours!! Good times are had by all.

Tuesday Sep 15, 2015
Silent (but deadly) Protest
Tuesday Sep 15, 2015
Tuesday Sep 15, 2015
Tis week Pete and Nick get a little political (just a little...) They come up with the perfect way to express their displeasure for the way a CERTAIN County Clerk in Kentucky is treating people.....fart on her! And so, the FartonKimDavis movement is born!!

Saturday Aug 08, 2015
Let's Talk About Movies
Saturday Aug 08, 2015
Saturday Aug 08, 2015
Thumbs WAAAAYYY UP!!! This week Nick and Pete talk movies with Chris Tanski, who hosts a wildly popular movie podcast. We talk Keaton, 80's movies, cheesy montages, Lilith Fair and all sorts of fun stuff. So, strap in and give up the next 2 hours of your life...you won't regret it (DISCLAIMER: You probably will.)